Bichon Frise,Chihuahua,Pomeranian,Poodle,Schipperke,Yorkshire Terrier, dog breeder - Sunset Maltepoos & Toy Breed Puppies Bichon Frise,Chihuahua,Pomeranian,Poodle,Schipperke,Yorkshire Terrier, dog breeder - Sunset Maltepoos & Toy Breed Puppies 

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Sunset Maltepoos & Toy Breed Puppies

Name: Sunset Maltepoos & Toy Breed Puppies
Breeds: Bichon Frise,Chihuahua,Pomeranian,Poodle,Schipperke,Yorkshire Terrier,
City: Buffalo
State/Prov: Kentucky
Zip: 42716
Country: USA
Telephone: 270-000-000
Affiliations: CKC, AKC, or Both
Testimonials: Please visit our website to read our customer testimonials!
Other Information: We have Toy Breeds (pups) for sale. Males are $300 and Females are $350, and our Schipperkes are $400-$500. Please see our website and click puppies for sale to see our puppies. We have Chi, Yorkie, Schipperke, Pom, Borkie (Bichon x Yorkie) and others!

If you are a dog breeder and you wish to advertise you may do so HERE
Sunset Maltepoos & Toy Breed Puppies Bichon Frise,Chihuahua,Pomeranian,Poodle,Schipperke,Yorkshire Terrier, breeders ( 3 listings found )
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