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Name: joycelly55
Breeds: (Not a Breeder)
City: los angeles
State/Prov: carlifonia
Zip: 90001
Country: USA
Other Information: We have two chihuahua puppies, male and female They are register with the Canadian Kernel Club, vet checked, dewormed and have a microchip confirmation (956000000081915). these puppies are litter trained and are good for showing and working. these puppies will come with all necessary document including a vaccination certificate and hand manual

If you are a dog breeder and you wish to advertise you may do so HERE
joycelly55 breeder ( 1 listings found )
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chihuahua puppies View Details  
600 (USD)
We have two chihuahua puppies, male and female They are register with the Canadian Kernel Club,...
  other chihuahua dog related areas Chihuahua dog details
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