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akc dogs coners

Name: akc dogs coners
Breeds: (Not a Breeder)
City: seattle
State/Prov: WA
Zip: 20001
Country: USA
Telephone: 206 337 1382
Affiliations: 13 weeks old tea cup yorkie puppy ready for a loving home.she is 1.9 ib sired and will be 4 ib sired fully grown.she is vet checked ACK reg deworming and will be coming with all her vet records and health papers.she is called NEMO and she is good with children and other pets.interested pet lovers should email me for details.
Testimonials: 13 weeks old tea cup yorkie puppy ready for a loving home.she is 1.9 ib sired and will be 4 ib sired fully grown.she is vet checked ACK reg deworming and will be coming with all her vet records and health papers.she is called NEMO and she is good with children and other pets.interested pet lovers should email me for details.
Other Information: 13 weeks old tea cup yorkie puppy ready for a loving home.she is 1.9 ib sired and will be 4 ib sired fully grown.she is vet checked ACK reg deworming and will be coming with all her vet records and health papers.she is called NEMO and she is good with children and other pets.interested pet lovers should email me for details.

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akc dogs coners breeders ( 2 listings found )
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precious View Details  
300 (USD)
13 weeks old tea cup yorkie puppy ready for a loving home.she is 1.9 ib sired and will be 4 ib...


precious View Details  
300 (USD)
13 weeks old tea cup yorkie puppy ready for a loving home.she is 1.9 ib sired and will be 4 ib...
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