Jodi Erbe
Jodi Erbe
We got a keeshond from Jodi last Dec. 15th. Hudson will be a year old on Oct. 22nd and we absolutely love him! When my husband, Doug, went to look at Jodi's puppies, they were clean and healthy. When we picked Hudson up a few weeks later, she had puppy food for him, had his shots and he was all ready to go. We had him checked out by our veternarian after we got him home and he was a healthy puppy! We would definitly use Jodi again. She has kept in touch with us and has asked how Hudson was doing. She truly cares about her dogs.
I would highly recommend Jodi!
October 13, 2010
Dear Jodi,
I am writing to tell you what an awesome and amazing bundle of fur our baby Kai is! He is everything one could want in a Keeshond – full of personality, exuberance for life and a lovely appearance. Kai is perfect in every way.
Twelve years ago, for the first time, we were fortunate enough to be “owned” by a Keeshond. We still have he and love her more then you can imagine. We always knew we would add another Keesie to our family, but could never find a breeder that measured up to our selective standards. Kiki has set the bar very, very high.
And, then, we met you!! Your dogs are beautiful and lively. Their appearance so closely resembles that of Kiki’s – the most agreeable true Keeshond shape and size. Your dogs are healthy and happy and much loved. They all have so much spirit. Those qualities are important to us and it had been the greatest pleasure to get to know you and your dogs and discover that you too share our philosophy of raising and breeding quality Keeshonden.
Looking back, I think the happiest days we have had in years were the afternoons we spent at your home and in your back yard playing with your puppies and your adult dogs.
Kia is the easiest, most acclimated puppy we have ever had. David and I truly believe that special part of his personality is attributable to all the love and hands-on care that your puppies received from you and your daughter.
One day down the road we plan to add another one of your little Keesies to our pet family. Your puppies, your ethics, your breeding standards, everything you do is impeccable and forthright. We are very much appreciative.
Kia’s colors have been changing now that he is almost 12 weeks old. He is getting a lot more silver and his face is dark, especially around his nose. He is adorable! I’ll send you pictures and bring him for a visit now and again so you, too, can marvel at the way he is maturing.
Thanks for everything!
Leslie Modine
October 12, 2010
Jodi had an ad online, so I e-mailed her just to get some information. What impressed me was how quickly she responded to my e-mails. Jodi sent me a lot of information about the breed and answered many questions that I had. We purchased our keeshond from Jodi in July of 2010, went for a visit in the beginning of September of 2010 and three weeks later in September my husband went back to Maryland to pick her up. Penelope is now ten weeks old and doing wonderful. Penelope is the princess of the house and is a great fit amongst the other three dogs that we have! Penelope is very smart, is currently crate training at night, has learned to sit, lay down, and is already trying to sit up like the boys. Penelope was from a litter of eight puppies. Jodi made sure that all of the puppies were going to very good homes.
When my husband Stan and I went to look at Jodi's puppies, they were clean and healthy. We were able to see his mother and father of the litter. I could see that Jodi and her family love their dogs. They were very well taken care of and were kept in a clean environment.
When we picked Penelope out she was still too little to come home with us. Jodi sent us weekly pictures and weights of her until we could come back to pick her up. My husband arrived to pick up Penelope; she had her papers, food, vaccinations, etc. all ready to go.
We had Penelope checked out by our veterinarian after we got her home and she was a healthy puppy! The veterinarian was ver
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