Yorkshire Terrier, dog breeder - Stephani Smith Yorkshire Terrier, dog breeder - Stephani Smith 

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Stephani Smith

Name: Stephani Smith
Breeds: Yorkshire Terrier,
City: Wilkes-Barre
State/Prov: Pa
Zip: 18702
Country: USA
Telephone: 5706065743
Other Information: Little Baby Nicco Rubbico is a healthy lovable tiny Yorkie. He was born on October 2007. He has short little legs and a big personality! He weighs about 3.5 pounds and is parti colored. We live in NorthEastern Pa and are happy to travel to you up to a few hours. Stud fees are negotiable. We look forward to hearing from you. Hugs and kisses to the baby girl! stfejoy@yahoo.com 570-606-5743 (Stephani)

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Stephani Smith Yorkshire Terrier, breeder ( 1 listings found )
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Baby Nicco Rubbico View Details  
Yorkshire Terrier
Nicco is 3.5 pounds and full of love. He is great with other dogs and has a wonderful temperment. ...
  other yorkshire terrier dog related areas Yorkshire Terrier dog details
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