Bulldog,Chihuahua, dog breeder - Saint Simon kennel Bulldog,Chihuahua, dog breeder - Saint Simon kennel 

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Saint Simon kennel

Name: Saint Simon kennel
Breeds: Bulldog,Chihuahua,
City: Monorierdo
State/Prov: Pest megye
Zip: 2213
Country: Hungary
Telephone: 06203882863
Affiliations: MEOE Ázsiai és törpekutya klub
Other Information: A kind little trifle makes the people_nation life happier. Chihuahua being brought up in affection puppies salesmen into a family home. The puppies are with a diverse and interesting colour. The fairy trifles are being brought up healthily and very good their appetite. Everything tiny receives vaccinations, a pedigree and chippet. I help very with pleasure and I give an advice if he has a question let him write my email address. www.saint-simon-kennel.gportal.hu

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Saint Simon kennel Bulldog,Chihuahua, breeders ( 2 listings found )
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600 (EUR)
Bonbon, very kind little boy puppy. Likes playing a lot, to run around. He never gets tired. He...


Saint Simon Brioche View Details  
800 (EUR)
Brioche, very charming little boy kid Chihuahua. Likes playing a lot, to run around. Likes big one...
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