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Inseguire Working Terriers

Name: Inseguire Working Terriers
Breeds: Jack Russell Terrier (Parson),Patterdale Terrier,
City: Saskatoon
State/Prov: SK
Zip: S7J 0G8
Country: Canada
Telephone: 306-270-1507
Other Information: : We are a small kennel located in Saskatoon SK. We keep a limited number of dogs that all live in our home as cherished members of our family. Multiple championships in the conformation ring combined with proven hunting ability confirms that they are not just another pretty face. Our puppies are great performance candidates, many participate in flyball as under 5 second height dogs, and conformation, temperament, and hunting ability come standard. All our breeding dogs are BAER, CERF, and PLL tested and we proudly uphold the JRTCA breeders code of ethics. Please contact us if you are interested in working terriers, a puppy, or just want to talk terriers

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Jack Russell Terrier (Parson),Patterdale Terrier, breeder ( 0 listings found )
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