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Name: Sanjay
Breeds: Alaskan Malamute,
City: Sydney
State/Prov: NSW
Zip: 2090
Country: Australia
Telephone: 0417978861
Affiliations: No club
Testimonials: No testamonials or organisation
Other Information: He is 5 years old beautiful dog with beautiful coat great personality.He is a black and white colour and very handsome we also have a 55 kilo reotwieler and every now and then they fight but every fight the rotwieler has lost the malamute is very strong and dominant but he has a very good temprement for people he loves people especially kids. Has not been bred before breeding could take some time he is a dominant male around 75 kilos Breeding must take place in the day. We have not put him with a female. We dont know how he will act with a female around.He might need time to get used to her but who knows it might go well every now and then if we could pop in to check on him. He has never been with his own kind before malamutes are known to never attack their own kind. We can not leave him anywhere overnight.

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