English Springer Spaniel,Japanese Spitz, dog breeder - Tricia English Springer Spaniel,Japanese Spitz, dog breeder - Tricia 

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Name: Tricia
Breeds: English Springer Spaniel,Japanese Spitz,
City: Hamsterley,
State/Prov: Co Durham
Zip: Dl13 3RE
Country: United Kingdom
Telephone: 07748304895
Affiliations: Northern Japanese Spitz Club
Testimonials: I have only bred a litter on the request of contacts who have asked for a puppy from one of my girls, this means I also have other puppies available for the right homes.
Other Information: I am a small family breeder, who occasionally has puppies from my girls. We do not have lots of litters those I have have been requested

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Tricia English Springer Spaniel,Japanese Spitz, breeder ( 1 listings found )
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Adorable puppy Japanese Spitz View Details  
Japanese Spitz
650 (GBP)
A very willing and friendly little pup, ready for a new home. Please contact me for more...
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