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SFIDANTE - Mastino Napoletano

Name: SFIDANTE - Mastino Napoletano
Breeds: Neapolitan Mastiff,
State/Prov: Queensland
Zip: 4503
Country: Australia
Affiliations: Proudly Members of: Canine Countrol Council of Qld. Neapolitan Mastiff Club of NSW Aust Neapolitan Mastiff Assoc. All Mastiffs Breed Club of Vic.
Other Information: SFIDANTE means Challenger. We're not the oldest nor biggest kennel or have the most ribbons on the wall, our primary focus is education to preserve the integrity of this breed with knowledge, meticulous planning & invaluable advice. Awards are secondary. Desired breeding outcomes result from planning & research to ultimately achieve The Challenge. THE CHALLENGE: To produce the most sound, true to type Neo's of outstanding quality & temperament with unquestionable responsibility to the breed.

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