Yorkshire Terrier, dog breeder - Hollingberry Yorkies Yorkshire Terrier, dog breeder - Hollingberry Yorkies 

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Hollingberry Yorkies

Name: Hollingberry Yorkies
Breeds: Yorkshire Terrier,
City: Philadelphia
State/Prov: Pennsylvania
Zip: 19103
Country: USA
Telephone: 215-743-4258
Affiliations: AKC
Testimonials: Testimonials are on my website and will be given to customers who are truly interested in adopting a quality Hollingberry Yorkie so as not to have my customers inconvenienced with random calls.
Other Information: We specialize in High Quality AKC yorkies with heavy champion lineage following each puppy bred. We also feed our breeders a top quality "BARF" diet. We are currently looking for "Exceptional Puppy Parents" for our "Exceptional Yorkie Puppies"

If you are a dog breeder and you wish to advertise you may do so HERE
Hollingberry Yorkies Yorkshire Terrier, breeders ( 2 listings found )
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AKC Ch-Bred 'CrackerJack' View Details  
Yorkshire Terrier
This little slugger, Cracker"Jack", is one of three boys from Patty & Mojo's last litter. Please...


Hollingberry's Sweet Dreamy Mojo View Details  
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600.00 (USD)
Mojo (Metro. Phila., Pa.)is just under 5# and is a Proven Stud. AKC Multi-International Champion...
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