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tina derosario

Name: tina derosario
Breeds: Shih Tzu,
City: Troy
State/Prov: virginia
Zip: 22974
Country: USA
Telephone: 434-589-4033
Affiliations: Charlottesville Albemarle Kennel Club
Other Information: I have been breeding shihtzu over nine years. I am present for each nd every birth and enjoy watching the puppies grown into happy, healthy and well socialized dogs. I breed to the AKC standard for conformation,health and temperment I am a small show home whose lines go back generations and all my dogs have champion background or come from champion lines My dogs as well as mom and dads live and are raised in our loving home. I take pride in being able to have show quality pippies as well as loving companions

If you are a dog breeder and you wish to advertise you may do so HERE
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