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Jitka Novakova

Name: Jitka Novakova
Breeds: Tibetan Mastiff,
City: Podebrady/Nymburk
State/Prov: Nymburk
Zip: 29001
Country: Czech Republic
Affiliations: We were with Bayla-Yala on the ultrasound and veterinarian told us that BAYLA-YALA Bhamo-La is PREGNANT!!! AKSAY CHIN Ama Dablam is prood father. Puppies should be born about 24th December. We are very happy :-) !!! Kennel AMA DABLAM - New breeding plan for season 2011/2012 !!! AKSAY CHIN Ama Dablam X BAYLA-YALA Bhamo-La Very interesting and totally unrelated links. This litter will be beneficial for the Tibetan dog breeding. Both parents are DKK 0 / 0. Father: AKSAY CHIN AMA DABLAM has strong bones, well-modeled head, standard tail, strong legs, good front and topline, excellent angulation, excellent movement. Hehas a very interesting and significant colour. Colour: black and tan Titles: Slovakian Champion, Czech Champion, Club Champion KTD, Czech Junior Champion, Club Junior Champion KCHMPP. Mother: BAYLA-YALA BHAMO-LA has a strong skeleton, a standard tail, good front and topline,excellent movement and good angulation. Both parents have wonderful nature, loves other dogs and people and children!!! :-) More photos of parents is there:
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