Dachshund,West Highland White Terrier,Tibetan Mastiff, dog breeder - MK Professional Kennel Dachshund,West Highland White Terrier,Tibetan Mastiff, dog breeder - MK Professional Kennel 

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MK Professional Kennel

Name: MK Professional Kennel
Breeds: Dachshund,West Highland White Terrier,Tibetan Mastiff,
City: Tai-Chung
State/Prov: Taiwan
Zip: 408
Country: Taiwan
Telephone: 011886423815331
Affiliations: KCT,FCI registered
Testimonials: We are a professional Tibetan Mastiff breeding kennel in Taiwan. Our bloodlines are different with China, US, Europe. If you need a whole new TM bloodline, or a beautiful TM as companion. We might be one of your best choice.
Other Information: We are a professional Tibetan Mastiff breeding kennel in Taiwan. Our bloodlines are different with China, US, Europe. If you need a whole new TM bloodline, or a beautiful TM as companion. We might be one of your best choice.

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MK Professional Kennel Dachshund,West Highland White Terrier,Tibetan Mastiff, breeder ( 1 listings found )
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