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Donna Boyne

Name: Donna Boyne
Breeds: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel,
City: Little Egg Harbor
State/Prov: New Jersey
Zip: 08087
Country: USA
Telephone: 6095535580
Affiliations: AKC Registered
Other Information: This cutie will melt your heart. How to describe him? Well, he is my staunch defender against butterflies, and backyard bunny rabbits! A true goofball with a sweet and playful personality. Gets along great with people and all other dogs. His best friend is a black cat named Floyd. A smidge larger than the standard weighing 20 lbs. He is an absolute lover. He loves to play with and tease his playmate Miss Masie. You'll love him. If you are looking to cross with similar size, he is perfect for this.

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Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, breeder ( 0 listings found )
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