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de Medici Poodles ~ Miniatures and Standards

Name: de Medici Poodles ~ Miniatures and Standards
Breeds: Poodle,
City: Vancouver Island
State/Prov: British Columbia
Zip: V0R 1K4
Country: Canada
Telephone: 1 877 850 2022
Affiliations: Canadian Kennel Club registerable
Testimonials: May 5 2006 Hi - haven't been in touch for some time and just wanted to say hello. We were boating much of the summer and Buddy has become a real water dog and a great "dock boy". His ear infection cleared up over the summer with a heavy 21 day dose of antibiotics and knock on wood no problems since. Stopped in at the vets yesterday to pick up his food and he weighed 34 lbs and is about 21/22 inches at the shoulder. Our trainer, Jeff Lolacher, (Sit Happens) is so impressed with Buddy that he's asked for your website as he likes to keep a list of good breeders on hand. We still look in at your website every once in awhile just to see the new puppies - someday Ron will probably talk me into getting Buddy a buddy. Hope all is well with you and yours, Regards, Ron & Peggy M
Other Information: Sweet, loyal and social poodle puppies from our home to yours... Our breeding program focuses on temperament and health as well as conformation. Come visit the original non shedding dog!

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