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HarborWinds Newfoundlands

Name: HarborWinds Newfoundlands
Breeds: Newfoundland,
City: manitowoc
State/Prov: wi
Zip: 54220
Country: USA
Telephone: 920-242-6923
Affiliations: Manitowoc County Kennel Club North Central Newfoundland Club
Testimonials: Repeat buyers, some of our puppy owners have 2 puppies from us bought from different litters. One of our puppy people has 3 of our pups from different litters.
Other Information: OVer 20 years experience, we place our puppies CAREFULLY to select people who are Dedicated and serious about training, loving and owning this special breed.We have Occasional litters, not Frequent litters. Currently we have 2 irish spot and 2 landseer Males available to the Right family.

If you are a dog breeder and you wish to advertise you may do so HERE
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