Miniature Schnauzer, dog breeder - Benjamin Bernard Miniature Schnauzer, dog breeder - Benjamin Bernard 

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Benjamin Bernard

Name: Benjamin Bernard
Breeds: Miniature Schnauzer,
City: San Francisco
State/Prov: California
Zip: 94109
Country: USA
Telephone: 415-652-0541
Affiliations: AKC
Other Information: Apollo has over 150 finished champions within the last 6 generations running through his blood, and it shows from his star like attitude. Apollo is a smart and loving dog whose highlight of the day is to make new friends.

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Benjamin Bernard Miniature Schnauzer, breeder ( 1 listings found )
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Apollo View Details  
Miniature Schnauzer
400 (USD)
Apollo is AKC registered and has over 150 finished champions within the last 7 generations running...
  other miniature schnauzer dog related areas Miniature Schnauzer dog details
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