Boxer,Yorkshire Terrier, dog breeder - Melissa Crenshaw Boxer,Yorkshire Terrier, dog breeder - Melissa Crenshaw 

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Melissa Crenshaw

Name: Melissa Crenshaw
Breeds: Boxer,Yorkshire Terrier,
City: Americus
State/Prov: Ga
Zip: 31709
Country: USA
Telephone: 229-938-1754
Affiliations: Both are AKC registered.
Other Information: They are both well kept and will have pretty puppies. Abe (the Boxer) is the father of one litter and is about six years old. Hunter (the Yorki) has not bred yet,he will be one year March 22. If you want to see a picture of Abe you can email me at or

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Melissa Crenshaw Boxer,Yorkshire Terrier, breeder ( 1 listings found )
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