Bichon Frise,Cavalier King Charles Spaniel,Chihuahua, dog breeder - Von Berston home care Bichon Frise,Cavalier King Charles Spaniel,Chihuahua, dog breeder - Von Berston home care 

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Von Berston home care

Name: Von Berston home care
Breeds: Bichon Frise,Cavalier King Charles Spaniel,Chihuahua,
City: Colchester
State/Prov: England
Zip: CO1 1RQ
Country: United Kingdom
Affiliations: Affiliated with the American Kennel Club(AKC),Bangladesh kennel club(BKC),British Kennel club(KC) the Canadian Kennel Club(CKC, Scandinavian and FCI...............etc
Testimonials: A Very honest and straight forward breeder.Always honest with people and deliver his dogs as promised
Other Information: Very healthy and clean puppies who regularly go for teeth,body and have been elbow,eyes,hip scored and DNA tested Calm,playful and some champion bloodlines.We also offer hand delivery and door step delivery for those outside the UK. We also ship worldwide

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Von Berston home care Bichon Frise,Cavalier King Charles Spaniel,Chihuahua, breeders ( 26 listings found )
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Cute bichon frise puppies(Males & Females) View Details  
Bichon Frise
400 (GBP)
I am a breeder and breed healthy and trained puppies to the fullest. Quality characters and great...
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