Papillon, dog breeder - LaGrande Papillon Papillon, dog breeder - LaGrande Papillon 

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LaGrande Papillon

Name: LaGrande Papillon
Breeds: Papillon,
City: Union
State/Prov: Oregon
Zip: 97883
Country: USA
Affiliations: AKC
Other Information: We have two new litters of adorable Papillon puppies available as well as one nine week old female. Our puppies are raised in a home atmosphere with individual attention and some preliminary training. We provide full AKC registrations and a health warranty. Our goal is to raise happy, healthy, well-socialized puppies that will make a great addition to any family. Prices range from 700-850, contact us with any questions or see our website for more info.

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LaGrande Papillon Papillon, breeders ( 2 listings found )
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700-850 (USD)
They are the most adorable puppies. Raised in a home atmosphere, they will be ideal pets for any...


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850 (USD)
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