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PhiChas Siberians

Name: PhiChas Siberians
Breeds: Siberian Husky,
City: Corvallis
State/Prov: Oregon
Zip: 97370
Country: USA
Telephone: 541-929-2722
Affiliations: American Kennel Club (AKC) & The International Siberian Husky Club
Testimonials: Tons of references available on our website, e-mail addresses & phone numbers available upon request.
Other Information: Here at PhiChas Siberians you will find honesty, straight talk, considerable knowledge and a sincere desire to provide the best Siberian Husky puppy to the best Siberian Husky owner! Please visit our website or email us for more information on us, our Sibes, our Sibes parents, tons of pictures, our references and our up-coming litters.

If you are a dog breeder and you wish to advertise you may do so HERE
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