Rottweiler, dog breeder - Rottweiler Kennel von der Herash Rottweiler, dog breeder - Rottweiler Kennel von der Herash 

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Rottweiler Kennel von der Herash

Name: Rottweiler Kennel von der Herash
Breeds: Rottweiler,
City: reggio calabria
State/Prov: reggio calabria
Zip: 89131
Country: Italy
Affiliations: Rottweiler Italian Club FCI ENCI ADRK
Other Information: °° EUROPEAN TOP KENNEL °° OFFERED SPECIAL PUPPIES AT ROTTWEILERS-FUN________________________________ _PURE AND EXTRA LITTER TOTAL PURE GERMAN BLOOD!!____Working, and Protection Selected lines!!________ High Selection about Genealogy and Character___Available for Rottweiler-FunPure GermanRottweilerPuppies!!_____ Sire: Udo vom Türnleberg( Brunovom Heidebaren x Josy vomTürnleberg )___HD-FREEED-FREE BH AD ZTP FH-1 FH-2SCHH/VPG-3 IPO-3Gekört bisEza ___Life-Selected!!___SchH/VPG I -99-84-96Score____SchH/VPG II -92-76-97 Score____SchH/VPGIII - 98-80-96Score____RCI III - 99-84-99Score____FH I - 98Score____FH II - 93Score____Dam: PeggyDell'Antico Guerriero (Cliff von derKoenigskanzel x Viktoria vonBurgthann)____HD-FREEED-FREE _____TOTAL ADRKGERMANBLOOD-LINES____Price include shippingandtravel Crate to USAfromEurope___##############################_ ____ourgoal is to produce beautiful Rottweilerpuppieswith sound temperaments, healthyin genetics,strong working ability and correctconformation,proven in pedigree.We have referenceand bigexpirience about export dogsinother by mail for picturesandnews.__ ___

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Rottweiler Kennel von der Herash Rottweiler, breeder ( 1 listings found )
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ourgoal is to produce beautiful Rottweiler puppies with sound temperaments, healthy in...
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