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PFL Publications

Name: PFL Publications
Breeds: Miniature Pinscher,
City: Wilmington
State/Prov: DE
Zip: 19805
Country: USA
Other Information: GREAT NEW BREED BOOK! THE MINIATURE PINSCHER: KING OF TOYS A comprehensive guide to the Miniature Pinscher, with advice on choosing a puppy, grooming, feeding requirements, basic training, and health care. Traces the breed’s origin in his native Germany, and follows his development in North America and other countries. Illustrated with numerous photographs of noted past and current champions. Complete description and analysis of the Breed Standard, with copies of the 1929 and 1935 standards, and the current UKC and FCI standards. Covers preparing your Min Pin for both the show ring and obedience events. Includes a thorough study of breeding and pregnancy, with up-to-date information on genetics, hereditary diseases and their screening tests, reproduction, pregnancy, whelping and potential complications, and caring for newborn puppies. Additional chapters on proper gait; ear cropping, bracing, and natural ears; coat color inheritance; senior care; and MPCA National Specialty and Best in Show winners. To order a copy, send your name and address, with payment of $59.95 (includes Priority Shipping) to: PFL Publications - Patricia F. Lehman - 2508 Teal Road - Wilmington, Delaware 19805 For more information, contact Patricia F. Lehman at: Browse the book at

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