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Ch. Ben z Liderovic, Vizsla stud dog

Name: Ch. Ben z Liderovic, Vizsla stud dog
Breeds: Vizsla,
City: Brno
State/Prov: Czech Republic
Zip: 62800
Country: Czech Republic
Telephone: +420777240306
Other Information: Stud dog Rövidszörü Magyar Vizsla Ch. Ben z Liderovic. We offer our dog Magyar Vizsla Ben z Liderovic for stud service. Successful in work and exhibitions. Great character, reliable in work, excelent exterior. Exams: Ability exam, Water exam, Autumn exam – I. p., Wood exam II. p., nose 4 Exhibitons: Czech Champion of beauty, Slovak Champion of beauty, BIG3, BOB, 2xCACIB,2xRes. CACIB, 8xCAC, CAJC, WORLD DOG SHOW - Excelent 3 (champ. class) DKK 0/0 (A/A) Father: Tocókerti-Vadász Adu - import SK Jun.Ch SK, Ch SK, Res. CACIB, CACIB FT-excellent, SV, JS, FSS, SVP- I.c, European Cup - CACT, R. CACIT, MAM – I.c, DKK-0/0 Mother: Astra Danúbius - import SK Excellent, Ability exam, Autumn exam - I. cena See more at our website!

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