Upgrade your Dog, Puppy, Stud dog and breeder listing
At anytime basic free ad subscribers may upgrade to
an Enhanced Free Listing by simply including a link to our website from
their websites homepage. Enhanced Free listings enjoy both a return link to
your website as well as preferred advertising placement over basic free listings.
You may upgrade your basic free listing by adding one of the several link
types shown below to your websites home page.
It is important that you have posted our website link on your home page before you
notify us using the form below, Upon validation we will upgrade your current
free listing advertisiments to enhanced free listings
Thank you very much for taking the time to upgrade your membership. We are
working night and day in order to attain the most qualified suitable audience for
dog, puppy and stud dog listings. If you have any questions please feel
free to contact us.
Please select the dog breed that is most specific
to your website, prior to copying any of the links displayed below.
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