Items Included:
Current vaccinations, Veterinarian examination, Certificate of health, A couple weeks food,
This is our adorable little Suri. Suri is an exceptionally beautiful 5 month old female maltese with a loveable face and personality. We are looking for a new home for her due to allergy.
she is very loyal and playful but also shy around strangers. that doesn't mean she's not curious. her favorite pass-time activities are chasing after small toys, people's hands/feet, kissing and cuddling.
she knows not to growl and bark at the owners and likes being stroked. She knows her name, and to sit when told. She waits patiently by her bowl until she is given permission to eat her food. saying no will keep her from doing things you don't want and she is potty trained.
She is looking for a good loving home.
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