Remember that each dog breed is different, and has been bred for a specific set of characteristics. Some dog breeds will be better suited towards being family pets where others might be geared more towards being quard dogs, hunting dogs, or even farm working dogs. As well some breeds of dogs will require a minimal amount of daily exercise and grooming, where other breeds might require exercise 3 to 4 times a day. Please make sure that you have taken this into consideration when selecting a specific breed of dog. We have created a dog breed suggestion tool especially for this purpose.
Below you will find summarized breed information on over 156 dog breeds. Clicking on any of the dogs breeds listed below will display a more detailed dog breed information page. This dog breed information page will be packed with temperament, origin, overall size and exercise requirements for that breed, you will also find links to adult dogs for sale, puppies for sale, and available stud dogs.