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Judy or Brenda

Name: Judy or Brenda
Breeds: American Pit Bull Terrier,
City: Los Angeles
State/Prov: CA
Zip: 90062
Country: USA
Telephone: 323 702-3734
Other Information: Bull is a perfect 11 month old full blood red nose male. He is not ferocious or dangerous, does not bite, very gentle, playful and loves to kiss. Non-agressive and very loving. He must be rehoused asap as we are moving and new residence will not accept pets. He has a microship and is an excellent watchdog that will take care of his owners as he has done for our family. Please know that he MUST go to a a good loving home. He is the perfect boy.

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American Pit Bull Terrier, breeder ( 0 listings found )
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