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Name: brightsmith800
Breeds: Bulldog,Shih Tzu,Yorkshire Terrier,
City: East Brunswick
State/Prov: New Jersey
Zip: 08816
Country: USA
Telephone: 206-376-0626
Affiliations: American Kennel Club
Testimonials: Hi Georginna! This is Toni Watson! I bought my little man from you in mai this year, and thought it was about time i gave you an update! His grown heaps, and has turned into a handsome little boy. Very cheeky too, he loves playing tricks and trying to out smart us all the time! His learning very quickly and easily, he knows all the basics now and has started learning to stop and wait at the roads edge until i tell him its safe too cross! I also wanted to let you know that were thinking of getting a little girlfriend for him within the next few months! And were hoping to get her from you! We'll have to make sure she's just as crazy and full of energy as him though so she can keep up haha. He'd deffinatly love someone to play with. But i suppose the best thing to do is just keep checking your website once when ready to buy her ! Thanks again for george, his an amazing little guy and has made us very happy! He was deffinatly a great addition to our little family. Talk soon, Toni __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Georgi Thank you so much for my christmas card. Mum and Dad read it to me and I felt very special receiving my own card in the mail!....Christmas was GREAT - I went to my grandparents place with mum and Dad and met my brother in law Karnak... this HUGE doberman who I gave a good run around. He was really gentle with me and let me stand on his head. I got lots of new presents and ate VERY well..... I LOVE my food every day and now weigh 3.5kgs. The vet tells me I'm super healthy and everyone at the beach and on the streets around our local cafes always stops to say hi.... some girls even call out across the road to have a look at me and tell me I'm the most beautiful dog they've seen! I must be good looking!.......I've included some photos for you to see if you agree! haha and so you can see me in my new home with mum and dad. I even got a present sent to me from Japan from two lovely friends of mum and dads and one is a disney jacket for winter time.... and a squeeky ducky that's my favourite toy in the world. Today I'm going to Newcastle to meet more new people and sleep in the car on the way home..... I love the car too by the way... it always sends me to sleep after lots of running around. Mum carries me too when I'm really tired and I love that cos then I see what's going on without having to do much..... mum and dad let me sleep on their lap watching TV at night at home as well but then I have my own room for sleeping overnight that's all mine and I've been trying really hard to go outside at night when I need to wee.....This past week though I've had 5 days with no accidents at all!!! - It's my christmas gift to mum and dad because I love them so much........ Thank you for raising me in my first few months to be such a strong and healthy boy! I have to go now and help mum hang out the washing... then help dad take out the trash... then say hi to Fred the burmese... whose kind of getting used to me.... sort of.... he knows I'm a baby and lets me run around him without getting too that's ok. I just wanted to check with you... am I aloud to chew rocks. I love them.... but mum and dad are worried i'm going to swallow them..... and is it ok now that I eat my ENTIRE chicken wing, bones and all....and finally why do I want to bury things.... is that something I save for later or do I just like burying stuff? Love from Arthur xx ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hi Georgi, It’s been a while since we touched base so I thought I’d share how Ollie is doing and send some pics…he’s just over 1 year old now – how time flies! Ollie turned out to be a little bigger than we expected – kinda the size of a beagle
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