Australian Shepherd,Pembroke Welsh Corgi, dog breeder - HHC Miniature Australian Shepherds Australian Shepherd,Pembroke Welsh Corgi, dog breeder - HHC Miniature Australian Shepherds 

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HHC Miniature Australian Shepherds

Name: HHC Miniature Australian Shepherds
Breeds: Australian Shepherd,Pembroke Welsh Corgi,
City: Alliston
State/Prov: On
Zip: L9R1V2
Country: Canada
Telephone: 705-424-2423
Other Information: HHC's Miniature Australian Shepherds Accomplishments: The very first #1 Ranked Miniature Australian Shepherd in RBCSWO. Also the #2 dog the same year! The very first Canadian CH Miniature Australian Shepherd. Also the Second and the Thrid Canadian CH's! The very First Best Puppy in Group in RBCSWO The very First Res. Best Puppy in Show in RBCSWO Class first at the 2004 Masca Nationals 6-9mth bitch puppy The top 2 MAS's in Canada 2004 The top 3 MAS"s in Canada 2005 The top 3 MAS's in Canada 2006 Produced and Co-Own the very first BIS MAS in RBCSWO History and at 7.5months!

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HHC Miniature Australian Shepherds Australian Shepherd,Pembroke Welsh Corgi, breeder ( 1 listings found )
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