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Kennel Turultaji, Rita&Norbert

Name: Kennel Turultaji, Rita&Norbert
Breeds: Bulldog,French Bulldog,
City: Tatabanya
State/Prov: Komarom
Zip: 2800
Country: Hungary
Telephone: 36304144906
Affiliations: FCI registered pedigree, registrable with all other Kennel Clubs all around the world
Other Information: We are professional and certified FCI breeders, many years experiences in the breeding.Our pups come with written Health guarantee, fci registrated export pedigree, the price includes the shipping cost. Learn more about us,our breeding program, References on the website listed.Do not you hesitate for contacting me in email, or by phone if you would have any other question. In Phoenix,Arizona you can call my friend Valerie, she is having several beautiful puppies from my kennel, for local picking up..Her website is

If you are a dog breeder and you wish to advertise you may do so HERE
Bulldog,French Bulldog, breeder ( 0 listings found )
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