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Sunny Shelties

Name: Sunny Shelties
Breeds: Shetland Sheepdog,
City: Buffalo
State/Prov: MN
Zip: 55313
Country: USA
Telephone: (763)-244-7291
Other Information: At Sunny Shelties, we are dedicated to raising happy, healthy sheltie puppies in a family environment. We give each puppy a temporary call name and learn each puppy's unique personality. Each pup gets a tremendous amount of individual attention, and is held every day of its first few weeks of life. Every puppy goes on at least 3 car rides, usually to nursing homes, schools, the park etc. Visit us at for more info.

If you are a dog breeder and you wish to advertise you may do so HERE
Shetland Sheepdog, breeder ( 0 listings found )
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