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The Saluki is part of the Hound (Gazehound) group. The Saluki is a dog with Excellent problem solving abilities. The trainability of the Saluki is Poor. It was breed to be good for Companionship, Hunting, Watch Dog The Saluki lifestyle is Adaptable to indoor/outdoor living

It is important that when contacting a Saluki breeder that you express health concern issues and ask the breeder what they are doing in order to help mimimize them.

Please don't purchase your Saluki from a petstore which commonly are known to support Saluki puppy mills. Doing so only promotes inproper breeding ethics and promotes current Saluki health issues. The AKC, UKC, FCI, CKC, SKC, WWKC, FIC registries recognize the Saluki breed standard.

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a well breed Saluki dog

Group:  Hound (Gazehound)
Shoulder Height: 00.00 in - 00.00 in
Weight: Less than 75 pounds
Exercise req'd: Medium amount
Intelligence: High
Suitability for kids: Good
Registries: AKC, UKC, FCI, CKC, SKC, WWKC, FIC


Country of Origin: Iran - The Saluki and Sloughi have parallel histories and most likely date back to the same stem in the ancient Middle East. A painting dated 3600 BC shows such dogs. Esteemed by sheiks, they coursed gazelles and other game. Recognized by BKC in 1923, AKC in 1927, and CKC in 1938. They were never sold but presented as gifts reaching Europe eventually this way. First imported to Britain in 1895 but of little interest until after WW1. Recognized by UKC three years later and the US in 1927.

Character: Salukis have a mind of their own, but are graceful, peaceful, and need to be with their owner. This dog is cautious around strangers and has a very strong hunting instinct.

Temperment: This breed gets along well with dogs that are similar in nature. The hunting instinct is too strong in it to allow it to live with other types of animals.

Coat: Smooth and silky. The hair on the back of the legs, ears, and tail should be longer and feathery. Colors can be three-colored (white, black, and brown), black with brown, grey, red, golden, cream, sandy, white or various combinations of those colors.

Care Regular grooming with a brush and comb is required. Ears must be checked periodically to make sure they are clean.

Colour: White, cream, fawn, golden, red, grizzle/tan, tricolor, black/tan

Comments: Devoted to family. Need lots of room to run with securely fenced areas. .

Purposes: Companionship, Hunting, Watch Dog

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